The commitment of service to our community, parents, students and staff begins with our seven School Trustees. They understand the challenges we face as we work to increase student achievement with declining financial resources. On Thurs., August 25, 2011, the Board adopted the 2011-2012 district budget.
Monitoring district finances, giving the educational team financial direction and ensuring fiscal stability are among the top responsibilities of an elected school board. And, the C-FB ISD School Board takes its fiduciary role extremely seriously. Thanks to their strong governance, C-FB ISD has earned a Superior Rating, the state's highest rating, under the State's State Financial Accountability Rating System since the system's inception.
Along with their work on budgetary and fiscal matters, the School Board also has other key roles including:
- Ensuring the creation of a vision and goals for the district
- Adopting policies that guide district actions
- Hiring a superintendent to serve as the district's administrator and evaluating the superintendent’s success
- Overseeing the regular assessment of the district’s students, staff, and programs
- Communicating the district’s vision and successes to the community.
During the 2011-2012 school year, the Board will hold one regular meeting a month from September through June. All regular meetings will be the first Thursday of each month except January which will be January 13. Regular meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are held in the Board Room of the Administration Building. You find all agendas online prior to the meetings. During the meetings, your School Board will handle these key roles, and you are invited to attend any and all of them. Regular meetings are replayed on CFB-TV and on our online Vimeo Channel.
The Board will also hold a series of work-study sessions to delve into topics that need more in depth discussion and review. These meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. You are invited to attend these too.
Upcoming dates and topics:
- September 22, 2011 - Strategic Plan Review and Update; ERG (Education Resource Group) Data
- October 20, 2011 – Team of Eight Training (This meeting complies with the statutory requirement of a team-building training for the School Board Members and Superintendent.)
- November 17, 2011 - Limited Open Enrollment and Grade Configuration
- February 16, 2012 - Resource Allocation
- April 19, 2012 - Grading
- June 28, 2012 - Accountability and Planning for 2012-13