Thursday, May 19, 2011

Where C-FB ISD Is In 2011-2012 Budget Process

The district has been working on its 2011-2012 budget ever since the 2010-2011 budget was adopted last August. Now that may sound strange, but it's true. Once, the School Board approves the current school year's budget, we start working on the next one.

The district staff takes to heart the strategic objective "continuously improve operational effectiveness." We are always looking for ways to hold the line on costs while improving student achievement.

Over the last three budget years, the district has worked hard to contain costs while at the same time improve student achievement.  For example, this year, the district closed Montgomery Elementary School and a pre-kindergarten center.  We moved Montgomery students into Dave Blair Elementary, and we returned the pre-kindergarten program back to the elementary schools.

We increased class sizes at grade 5 as well as at the middle and high schools plus we eliminated administrative and non-classroom positions.

We have reduced our staff by 239 positions which is a 7.08% decrease over the last three years. These reductions have occurred through attrition and retirements.

Although we know that early childhood education program impacts learning, the district returned its pre-kindergarten program from a full-day to a half-day program in 2009-2010 because the state only funds a half-day program.

C-FB ISD has implemented operational strategies to save money.  We renegotiated utility contracts to save money and turned to energy-conservation methods. We have moved other operations to online processes to save money and time. For example, our teacher and administrative contracts are now paperless. This change saves printing costs and much more.

A huge obstacle in finalizing the 2011-2012 budget is not knowing how the Texas Legislature will handle the major shortfalls in projected funding over the next two years or how the bills under consideration will impact C-FB ISD's funding.  Although the legislative landscape changes frequently, third party estimates range from $15 million to $44 million in revenue losses for C-FB ISD in the bills currently under discussion.

As I wrote in February, we have been preparing for the worst-case scenarios of limited school funding, and reports out of Austin are extremely gloomy. Based on our long-term sound fiscal management, we believe we can defer immediate major changes in current staffing patterns or signature instructional programs for 2011-2012 and rely on accumulated reserves. However, we must continue to work at minimizing next year’s deficit so we are looking everywhere and anywhere to reduce costs.

The current budget proposal for the upcoming year does not include an increase in compensation for C-FB ISD employees. And, as a position becomes open due to a resignation or retirement, we are evaluating whether to fill the position or leave it vacant.  All departments are looking for ways to reduce costs.

We know that the changes being made will impact our students. But, these reductions and others are necessary to adjust to a reduced funding level. Hopefully, the Texas Legislature will come to some final decisions soon.  Until then, C-FB ISD will continue working to provide the best programs with the resources available to us. We will remain committed our one goal: high achievement for all students.

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