Friday, April 11, 2014

A Thank You Note to C-FB Librarians for National Library Week

Dear C-FB Librarians,

Thank you for all that you do to help C-FB reach its goal of "High Achievement for All Students."  Ray Bradbury said, “Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future.” Never before has the role of the library been so important in the lives of our students. Libraries are a symbol of knowledge and an essential tool of learning.

It is often said that reading is the cornerstone, the essential skill from which all learning begins and flourishes. Our C-FB libraries offer learning services, books and resources that enable all members of the school community to become critical thinkers and effective users of information in all formats and media.

We are fortunate and extremely thankful that we have the most dedicated, caring and student-centered librarians anywhere. We are grateful for your service and the difference you make in the lives of our students. You make reading fun and learning possible!

Dr. Bobby Burns

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