Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sorting, Unloading and Organizing

Sorting, unloading and organizing – sounds like doing laundry, right? Well, it’s not about laundry. It is about service.

In C-FB ISD we believe it is imperative that we teach our students character values of pride, cooperation, responsibility, respect, integrity, service, and citizenship. It goes beyond that, though. Across this district, our C-FB team members live out our character values every day.

The staff at Perry Middle School modeled the character trait of service during their first week back when they divided up into teams and went into our community to volunteer at various non-profit organizations. Sorting books at the Farmers Branch Manske Library, unloading food at the Metrocrest Social Services Food Pantry and organizing clothes at the Goodwill Store were just part of the ways that the staff at Perry helped our community. Principal Brooke Puricelli explained, "These organizations give so much to the students at Perry that we wanted to give back to them.."

I encourage you to volunteer your time at a non-profit organization or even at one of our campuses. Find out more about volunteering at

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