Tuesday, November 15, 2011

More 'Share Your Stories'; Be a Part of Our Campaign

As we approach this season of thanksgiving, this is a great time for you to participate in our "Share Your Story" campaign. For the last year, we have been encouraging people to tell their special positive stories about C-FB ISD.

We want people to share their success stories that they usually tell their friends, family and neighbors about their schools, teachers and district with us. We are looking for the stories that set C-FB ISD apart from the other public school systems in Texas and the nation.

We appreciate the wonderful experiences that former and current students, parents, grandparents, teachers, and community members have written and even videotaped. Our Strategic Communication Services team has been to Homecoming games, Senior Honor Breakfasts, Employee Appreciation Events and other activities  recording these messages. You can see the already taped stories on our Vimeo Channel or at Share Your Stories Videos.

Here are just a few of the written stories that have been shared:
"Excellent opportunities for the students, and the administrators and staff are fantastic to work with as parent volunteer. C-FB ISD is our home."  
Story From C-FB ISD Facebook

"After I attended C-FB ISD my entire school career, I wanted my son to also attend school in C-FB. My son currently attends Farmers Branch Elementary.  From the first day of kindergarten, the school has been very supportive of me and my son.  ...  I work very closely with the administrators and teachers. Parent involvement really does go a long way. The more you support your child the more the staff of the school can help your child improve. "
Former C-FB ISD Student and Current C-FB ISD Parent

“The teachers at McKamy truly care about the future of each child and focus on ways to challenge each student to reach their full potential. Their lesson plans hold the child's interests and make learning fun. The staff have always been caring and attentive to each student's unique needs. I'm starting our tenth year at McKamy and I cannot imagine our children anywhere else.”
Parent of former and current McKamy Elementary School students

The Share Your Story section on our website is available for anyone but especially for prospective families and future C-FB ISD team members to hear from "real C-FBers" on what makes our district special for students and of course, families. And, we believe the Carrollton-Farmers Branch School District is one of the best professional homes for educators too!

Do you have a story to share?
We know that there are hundreds and hundreds of stories about the spirit of our district and how a C-FB ISD team member made a difference in the life of a student or a family.  We also know that our signature instructional programs set our graduates on their chosen career paths. And, our fine arts and athletic programs even impact the lives of our students. Or, if you are a C-FB ISD educational team member, you may want to tell us why you made the decision to make our district your professional home.

Are you willing to share?  We've made it really easy for you. We've created a form where you can write your story. We simply ask you to limit your story to less than 250 words. Share Your Story Form

We know that C-FB ISD is a great place to learn and to work. We have outstanding students. We have a great community that supports our students and believes in our work. We have an educational team who believes in our goal of high achievement for all students.

We encourage you to share your positive story about C-FB ISD today!

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